Bullshit incoming:


  • This new blog site (blog.thatstel.la)
  • main.thatstel.la is becoming software.thatstel.la
    • The old address will redirect to the new one
  • Deprecate socials page on software.thatstel.la in favor of the contact links now on thatstel.la
    • If you find a page that links to it, please yell at me on Fruitycord about it (or email me).
  • Add blog to landing page and update link to software.thatstel.l.


  • Redirect thatsniceguy.com to thatstel.la
  • Redirect landing.thatsniceguy.com to thatstel.la
  • Redirect thatsniceguy.com/software to software.thatstel.la/software
    • Also works for subdirectories, in case it has to deal with something like https://www.thatsniceguy.com/software/ios-shortcuts/wtfismyip
  • Redirect main.thatstel.la to software.thatstel.la
    • Works for subdirectories like above
  • Redirect main.thatsniceguy.com to software.thatstel.la
    • Works for subdirectories like above
  • Redirect files.thatsniceguy.com to files.thatstel.la
    • Only the main page, any files still stored on files.thatsniceguy.com won't redirect yet.
  • Redirect discord.thatsniceguy.com to discord.thatstel.la


OK, you're probably wondering why I'm making all these changes.

I was bored. Okay, for real, I wanted to make the purpose of some of my sites a bit clearer, and clean up old links.

TLDR moved contact info out of main.thatstel.la, moved some other things around and I think I caught all possible cases with redirects but if not then yell at me (contact info at thatstel.la) because I might have missed one or two things (i am sleep deprived and take solace in my three blahaj and Elli my beloved)
